Avoid Holiday Weight Gain with the 50% Rule


Don’t Fall into the Same Habits this Holiday Season

It’s a well-known fact that, over the course of the holiday season, people gave an average of seven pounds. It always starts slow– perhaps a few due to Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas. While seven pounds isn’t too much to overcome, where the problem lies is in its slow build, and how it persists, leading to further, more stubborn weight gain.

​There is something you can do to avoid that weight gain will still enjoying the holiday season: partaking in the 50% Rule.

Relying on extremes is a bad idea

Many people fall in one of two camps when it comes to the holiday season. With how busy they are due to present shopping, visiting family, and holiday parties many feel they don’t have the time exercise and prepare meals like they used to. They allow themselves to go all out on their favorite foods and drinks as a sort of “last hurrah” before they kick themselves into gear with diet and exercise after the New Year. When they finally step on the scale, they are shocked.

Others go the opposite direction: they completely deprive themselves from their favorite goodies to avoid holiday weight gain. For some, this totally backfires. They give into their temptations and then feel bad about themselves. Others attend these holiday events and feel a sense of longing, as they’re watching others enjoy all the things they can’t have.

The 50% Rule is the best of both worlds

Instead of falling to one extreme or the other, personal trainer Stephanie Mansour suggests utilizing the 50% Rule during the holidays. The rule is simple to follow: take whatever goals you usually follow, and cut them by 50% for the holiday season.

If you usually exercise an hour a day but feel you don’t have time for it during the holiday season, cut that goal in half and shoot for 30 minutes. This keeps you moving, and if you surpass your goal, then you are proud of yourself. If you find that surrounded by cookies at a party you usually eat around 10, set yourself a limit of five. This allows you to still get your sweet fix in and to savor your favorite flavors without going overboard. The 50% Rule can be applied to just about anything you can thing of.

What happens in the New Year?

Thanks to the 50% Rule, you didn’t totally fall off your plan of diet and exercise. Those who did struggle with getting back on the bandwagon and often give up halfway through January, but you shouldn’t have that problem. This will make falling back to your regular habits far easier than a “last hurrah” month would have.

Still, you may have to reassess your diet and exercise, and that is totally fine. Get in touch with our staff to learn more about how our medically supervised weight loss program will help you reach your goals.

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