The Benefits Of


ThermiSmooth™ Is For Improving The Appearance of Aging Skin


Through Increasing Collagen Production

As we age, our skin loses elasticity thanks to gradual exposure from the elements that daily life affords us. Sunlight, eating the wrong foods, not drinking enough water, too much stress, a lack of sleep, all of these things wear down the proteins that give our skin its youth and vitality. When these proteins (known as collagen and elastin) degrade, it results in the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. 

What is ThermiSmooth?

ThermiSmooth is a non-invasive dermal remodeling procedure. The specially designed Thermistor-regulated handpiece uses radiofrequency to heat the skin, which revitalises the elastin and stimulates the natural production of collagen. This helps strengthen and thicken the skin to improve its overall quality and appearance.

ThermiSmooth’s cutting-edge technology has built-in temperature control which allows your Remedy practitioner to precisely regulate the amount of energy delivered to the skin. Why does this matter so much? With precision, we can give each patient the perfect treatment for their particular skin to get the most effective results while remaining completely safe.

Why Use ThermiSmooth?

ThermiSmooth has a list of benefits, and they are as follows:

  • Non-Invasive

  • No Down Time

  • Painless

  • Works on the entire body but is best for around the eyes, mouth, nose, neck, and forehead.

  • Only needs 3-6 treatments with occasional annual maintenance.

  • Treatments last up to 30 minutes.

  • ThermiSmooth’s Thermi-RF system allows for precision measurements, and will change temperature automatically based on feedback from the patient’s skin.


“I have struggled with under eye bags forever, a hereditary gift from my dad. I have tried so many different things to help alleviate this. I was hesitant to try the ThermiSmooth treatment as other RF treatments didn’t do too much in the past. Right after I noticed some swelling, but it subsided within an hour or [so] and I noticed a tightening unprecedented with other things I have tried.I feel more confident at work, younger and I think I can see it getting better as the days go on.” review














Book an Appointment

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Our Corpus Christi Office

5920 Saratoga Blvd., Ste. 110 Corpus Christi, Texas. 78414
(361) 906-1112

Our Portland, Texas Office

1302 Wildcat Drive, Portland, Texas 78374
(361) 977-2033

Locations We Service

Beeville, Robstown, Kingsville, Mathis, Port Aransas, Rockport, Aransas Pass, Refugio, Ingleside, Sinton, Orange Grove, Victoria, Alice, Falfurrias.

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